Measure of Mission - Your turn - 1-20-16

Texts for Sunday January 24, 2016
Third Sunday after the Epiphany

Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10
 Psalm 19 
1 Corinthians 2:12-31a 
Luke 4:14-21

During my medical leave this January, I will post the assigned texts for Sunday. You are invited to read the texts and reflect on them. Please share your comments in the section below. 

Each Gospel gives us a different picture of Jesus and his ministry. These verses summarize Luke’s view of Jesus and his mission. Luke records that before Jesus was even born, his mom Mary sang about it. Check out Mary’s Magnificat.  Same stuff. 

Jesus will live out this "mission statement" during this whole lectionary year of the Gospel of Luke. So go ahead and mark it in your Bible (or even memorize it?). You can see it take on flesh all year.

In these words of Isaiah, Jesus states and claims his identity, purpose, and mission: to bring the good news of God -release, recovery, setting free

This is how we measure Jesus' mission. 
As followers, it is also how we measure our mission.

Look around our country. Look around our world.  
There are plenty of people needing to be set free, to be released from darkness. 

Where are you going to start? What good news are you going to share?

Check out the G.I.F.T. post for this Sunday, January 24 for more ways to reflect on these verses.

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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Iowa City

Gathered by grace. Scattered for service.

123 E Market Street
Iowa City, IA 52245