There in God's Garden

There in God's garden stands the Tree of Wisdom,

whose leaves hold forth the healing of the nations:

Tree of all knowledge, Tree of all compassion, Tree of all beauty.

Its name is Jesus, name that says, "Our Savior!" There on its branches see the scars of 

suff'ring; see where the tendrils of our human selfhood feed on its lifeblood.

Thorns not its own are tangled in its foliage;

our greed has starved it, our despite has choked it.

Yet, look! it lives! its grief has not destroyed it nor fire consumed it.

This is my ending, this my resurrection; into your hands, Lord, I commit my spirit.

This have I searched for; now I can possess it. This ground is holy.

Text:  Kiraly Imre Von Pecelic. 1590- 1641  tr. Erik Routley, 1917-1982

How to Find Us

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Iowa City

Gathered by grace. Scattered for service.

123 E Market Street
Iowa City, IA 52245