Community Event - February 12 at 3 pm





This event is free and open to the public. All are welcome.

This is an event hosted by Pastor Sarah Goettsch for those who have participated in recent marches around the nation and for anyone concerned about the issues represented at the marches.

1) Attendees who marched will be invited to share an image, or memory from their experience on a march.

2) Attendees will have opportunities to connect with others around specific issues like climate change, minority concerns, immigration issues, women's reproductive rights, LBGTQ concerns, public education, healthcare, the arts, etc. 

At Gloria Dei Lutheran, 123 E Market St, IC

Accessible entrance  front of the building off Market Street. 

Parking available in the church lot 
to the west of the building for this event.

Gloria Dei Lutheran, a member of the Evangelical Church in America, 
acts as a community of moral deliberation, 
believing that engagement in respectful and open conversation 
about issues in our country and world is an important act.

Opinions expressed at this event may not represent 
the opinions  of all Gloria Dei members.

How to Find Us

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Iowa City

Gathered by grace. Scattered for service.

123 E Market Street
Iowa City, IA 52245