Friday, June 16, 2017

 The concept of the Trinity expresses the heart of our faith:
   we have experienced the God of creation 
  who was made known in Jesus Christ 
  and is with us always through the Holy Spirit.
  The focus is on experienced relationship, not doctrine.

 The texts for Trinity Sunday, June 11:

 Genesis 1:1-2:4a
 Psalm 8
2 Corinthians 13:11-13
Matthew 28:16-20

Matthew 28:16-20

Whoa! This is the full blown “Trinitarian formula”, centuries earlier than when the doctrine was developed. Chances are good that someone inserted it into Matthew’s gospel at a later date. None the less, there it is on Trinity Sunday. 

Matthew was probably focused on the “Go and make disciples” part; Jesus was turning the mission over to his followers (which includes followers today). But the verse right before the charge made to spread the good news shows Jesus was “given authority”. With that authority, Jesus empowered the disciples to share his mercy and teachings with others, who then are empowered to share the good news, who then are empowered to share the good news…etc., etc., etc… right up to right now.  That authority? It’s the same authority God shows throughout the Old Testament. That empowering? It’s the same power of God that “spoke through the prophets”. Whoever inserted the “formula” wasn’t  that far off base.

What makes a person a disciple? 

What are some concrete ideas for how you can fulfill your commission as disciple?

How to Find Us

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Iowa City

Gathered by grace. Scattered for service.

123 E Market Street
Iowa City, IA 52245