G.I.F.T. 5-13-18

 Growing In Faith Together  
 May 13, 2018

 Acts 1:15-17, 21-26 
 Psalm 1 
 1 John 5:9-13 
 John 17:6-19

Before Jesus faces his arrest, trial and crucifixion, he prays an extensive prayer on behalf of his disciples. Read just a little further v.20-21a. Jesus doesn't only pray for his disciples back then. Jesus prays for us as well. Take time to read all of John 17.  It provides a glimpse into the heart of Jesus.

Discuss in your household or small group: 
* In this prayer, Jesus prays for his disciples, present and future. That’s us! What do you want -- what do we want -- Jesus to know about and pray for?
* How does it feel to have Jesus pray for you?
* Would we feel and behave differently if we remembered that we are a community that Jesus prays for? 
* What can we learn from this prayer of Jesus?

These readings are related to the Sunday readings. M-W reflect upon the past Sunday’s readings and Th-Sa prepare for the next Sunday.  Try to take time each day to read the assigned Bible passage.
Sunday John 17:6-19
Monday Philippians 1:3-11
Tuesday Psalm 115:12-15
Wednesday Ezra 9:5-9
Thursday Psalm 33:20-22
Friday 1 Corinthians 15:54-57
Saturday Romans 8:22-25
Sunday John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15

Next Sunday: Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 104:24-34; Romans 8:22-27; John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15

For the Week: May I delight in the law of the Lord.

Throughout the Day:  Guide me through your word.

Blessing to Share: May you be grounded and growing in Christ.

For mealtime say responsively: 
Alleluia! Christ is risen: Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Easter Season Mealtime Prayer:   
Blessing and glory and wisdom 
and thanksgiving and honor and power and might 
be to our God forever and ever! Amen!

Devotional Practice:  
Find a single white candle for your home this Easter season. Light it each day. Read Psalm 1. Say this week’s prayer: May we be like trees planted by water, delighting always in your word. Amen

 Easter Season Ritual: 
Sometimes, we hardly believe that the tomb is empty. During this Easter season of 50 days, open your heart to the reality of the resurrection of Jesus. Start each day with “Christ is risen. Alleluia!” Pause throughout your day, while moving from one thing to another, to remember silently (or aloud) that Christ is risen indeed!  At the end of your day pray a word of thanks that even as we died with Jesus in our baptism, so also, we will rise with him in the resurrection.

Spring has finally sprung!  
Go out and enjoy your favorite piece of nature. 
Give thanks to God the Creator. 
Look around for any trash to pick-up.

How to Find Us

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Iowa City

Gathered by grace. Scattered for service.

123 E Market Street
Iowa City, IA 52245