Happy New Year! Congrats to Pamela Larabee-Zierath, Deacon

January 1  also marked a new  season in the vocational and faith journey of Pam Larabee-Zierath, who serves at Gloria Dei as Minister of Congregational Life.

In the ELCA, Pam has until now been officially known as an Associate in Ministry (or AIM).    As a result of a vote at the ELCA Churchwide Assembly in August, she will now instead be a Minister of Word and Service, and will be given the title, Deacon.  The word deacon is a variant of the Greek word for "serving."  The ministry of servants called "deacons" goes back to the very beginnings of the Christian church when, in Acts 6, the apostles realized that, while they personally were called to preach the Gospel, there were other ministries the church was called to as well - and those ministries needed leadership.  To meet that leadership need, they appointed seven deacons.  (see Acts 6:1-7)   

While Pam's ministry among us will remain outwardly unchanged, on Sunday we prayed for her, and celebrated with her, as her ministry is now linked to the rich history of servant leaders in Christ's church called Deacons.

Congratulations, Pam!  And may God continue to bless your leadership among us!

How to Find Us

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Iowa City

Gathered by grace. Scattered for service.

123 E Market Street
Iowa City, IA 52245