Piece Makers - GDLC Qulting Ministry

WE FINISHED OUR 100th QUILT                    

 Gloria Dei Piece Makers
 the 1st Monday of each month
 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
All ages!    All are welcome!

A quilt is made up of many parts and pieces, each with a specific purpose. And the end result is a work of joy and usefulness, something that has been created for a reason. Today, we are here, many people, many hands, with our specific purpose. To gather in fellowship and make quilts for our brothers and sisters in need. They will not always be perfect with all points and corners matching. But they will be shelter, and helpful carriers. A place to sleep on. And each is a quilt of beauty, filled with your love, encircling the new owner with comfort and perhaps hope.
Caring knows no limits or space, and with each stitch, each cutting and pinning and tying here today, we share that caring. Faith in God, hope for those sad and in desperate straights, and caring love for those around us here and in the world. What a wonderful ministry to begin at Gloria Dei!

You see that faith was active, along with his works, and faith was brought to completion by the works.
James 2:22

Initially, all the quilts made will be donated to Lutheran World Relief and Lutheran Services of Iowa

How to Find Us

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Iowa City

Gathered by grace. Scattered for service.

123 E Market Street
Iowa City, IA 52245