G.I.F.T. 7-29-18

 Growing In Faith Together
 July 29, 2018

 2 Kings 4:42-44
 Psalm 145:10-18
 Ephesians 3:14-21
 John 6:1-21

Today is the first of five Sundays with gospel readings from John 6. Today Jesus feeds thousands of people with five loaves and two fish. What we bring to Jesus' table seems like it is not nearly enough to meet all the needs we see. But it is not our supplies or skills that makes the difference: it is the power of Jesus working in the littlest and least to transform this world into the world God desires, a world where all the hungry are satisfied.

Discuss in your household or small group:
* What does the phrase “breaking bread together” mean to you?
* What are crowds looking for today? When we see traffic streaming into places like malls and athletic centers, what hunger are they seeking to fill?
* What if God responded to your prayer for the world's needs with the question, "What do you have?" How would you answer?

These readings are related to the Sunday readings. M-W reflect upon the past Sunday’s readings and Th-Sa prepare for the next Sunday.  Try to take time each day to read the assigned Bible passage.
Sunday John 6:1-21
Monday Philippians 4:10-20
Tuesday Psalm 111:1-5
Wednesday Mark 6:6-9
Thursday Psalm 78:23-25
Friday Exodus 13:3-6
Saturday Matthew 16:5-12
Sunday John 6:24-35
Next Sunday: Exodus 16:2-4, 9-15; Psalm 78:23-29; Ephesians 4:1-16; John 6:24-35

For the Week: Grant that Christ may dwell within in me so I am rooted and grounded in love.

Throughout the Day: Gracious God, accomplish abundantly in me more than I can imagine.

Blessing to Share: God’s hand opens wide and satisfies the desire of every living thing.

For mealtime say responsively:
 The eyes of all turn to God: God gives them food in due season.

Mealtime Prayer: 
      All here gathered, food from the land,
      all is gift from your gracious hand.
      feed us today; feed all who hunger;
      teach us to feed one another.
Devotional Practice:
Jesus feeds people abundantly in this week’s Gospel, demonstrating God’s gracious generosity. During prayer time this week, reflect upon and rest in God’s generous love for you. What has God been able to “accomplish abundantly” (Eph. 3:20) in your life? Now look into your life and notice where you withhold your own gifts of love. Who is most in need of the generosity of your heart? Who gets left out most often? Close your eyes and picture yourself being generous toward someone who needs your kindness.

Summer Ritual:
 This summer start each morning with a simple prayer: Lord, show me something incredible. Amen. Then watch to see what the treasure is. When you find it, in your mind add a tag “Made by God”.

How can you share your bread with those who are in need?

How to Find Us

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Iowa City

Gathered by grace. Scattered for service.

123 E Market Street
Iowa City, IA 52245