He is not here - Reflections 4-17-19

Texts for Sunday, April 21, 2019
Easter Sunday

Acts 10:34-43
Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24
1 Cor 15:19-26
Luke 24:1-12

Love brought them.

They came at early dawn.
To anoint his body.

One final heartrending act.
A show of adoration for this One who changed their lives.

I cannot imagine how distressed, discouraged, and desolate Jesus’ disciples felt on that sabbath day after Jesus was crucified and buried. These women who headed to the tomb early the next morning had followed Jesus while he traveled through the villages of Galilee and then, into Jerusalem. According to Luke, they had provided for Jesus and the disciples out of their resources. 

They had also stood as silent witnesses to his death.

I cannot imagine how distressed, discouraged, and desolate they were, having hoped that he was the One who had come to redeem Israel.

I also cannot imagine how shocked and confused they were at finding the tomb open and empty. Jesus was not done changing their lives.

I invite you to sit with this amazing story. 
Pay attention to what stands out to you, what stays with you by the end of the passage. 
Where does it touch your life, what difference does it make?

Darkness gives way to light;
Violence gives way to love;
Despair gives way to hope;
Death gives way to life;
Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen Indeed!
- Litany from the blog Rev-o-lution, Easter Sunday, by Rev. Mindi, 2019.

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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Iowa City

Gathered by grace. Scattered for service.

123 E Market Street
Iowa City, IA 52245