The Remembering Place -Columbarium

Our plan creates “A Remembering Place” on Gloria Dei’s grounds where we can remember those who have gone before us, who were loved by us, and who were important to the history and life of this congregation. Their remains will be inurned in the columbarium, or recognized with engraved memorial pavers, having been laid to rest elsewhere. 

Since we are Christ’s Church, we know that his promises give us more than just memories of people and times past; his love, too, gives us the hope which we have for a future that faith knows is wrapped in the arms of love that is forever. In that love – in Christ – we are joined always in the communion of saints from all times and all places. And in that hope, we remember Christ’s promise: we will see our dear ones again in the kingdom that is to come.


How to Find Us

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Iowa City

Gathered by grace. Scattered for service.

123 E Market Street
Iowa City, IA 52245