Gloria Dei Piecemakers

Today and every day, Lutheran World Relief Quilts give families around the world some of life’s essentials, as well as a reminder that they are not alone. From chronic poverty and conflict to drought and typhoon, the intensity of humanitarian needs continues to increase. Quilts are urgently needed! 

Anyone can work on a quilt project with Gloria Dei Piecemakers. Our work strengthens fellowship within Gloria Dei, serves as a faith witness to our community and brings us closer to our global neighbors. The gifts we give through these projects are an immeasurable blessing to families around the world.

Imagine the comfort and care you feel when you snuggle under a comforter or wear a piece of clothing made or worn by a loved one. That’s the feeling you share through an LWR Mission Quilt. Useful for shielding against the cold and rain, and for warm bedding, quilts can also be purposed as simple tents, floor coverings, or a wrap to hold a baby on a mother’s back. In a simple combination of fabric and thread, you reach out to people in their time of greatest need with a strong message of hope – you are not alone.

Join us the first Monday of each month (unless moved to the 2nd Monday due to holiday conflicts). 
9:00 – 3:00 
Fellowship Hall 
Come when you can, leave when you need to. 

Enjoy a potluck lunch!

How to Find Us

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Iowa City

Gathered by grace. Scattered for service.

123 E Market Street
Iowa City, IA 52245